Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fun Filled Weekend

This weekend I adventured to Orem area for a fun filled weekend. Abby and I stayed with Megan Friday night through Monday morning. We did all sorts of things. We went shopping, roasted smores, ate, slept, ate, slept etc.... Oh I can't forget the dying of my hair. That is a whole different story I will post later.

On Monday, I went shopping for birthday accessories. I found great deals and left the mall feeling very successful. After the shopping trip, Abby, Mollie, and I went to a concert. I have been to a lot of concerts in the last few months. I never used to like them very much but now I really enjoy them. It was Death Cab for Cutie who performed. They did fabulous. The other band wasn't too impressive. It had been raining on and off all weekend but luckily it didn't rain at all while we were at the concert. We stood in line for over 2 hours. The concert was outside which was lovely except it got a bit chilly at times.

There are a few complaints I have about concerts....
1) The people there are CRAZY!!! I can't even tell you how many interesting people I saw. There were several couples I saw that I wish I wouldn't have. I was very disgusted.

2) Waiting in the long lines... we showed up a half hour early and we still had to wait 2 hours before they opened the gates. This happens everytime I go to a concert but it still doesn't stop me.

3) It is expensive most of the time. The concerts I chose to go to are almost always near Salt Lake. The tickets alone are costly and then I have to pay for gas and food.

4) Parking. I got a parking violation at the concert because I was parked out on the street where about 200 other cars were parked. I figured it would be ok since there were hundreds of cars parked there too. Apparently not! It is always a hassle to find somewhere to park. They always charge to park close so I try to find a way out of paying. It was a bad idea this time. I will end up paying about 5 times more than I would have if I chose to pay $5 to park in the parking lot AHHHH!! I figured there was no parking left in there though, oh well, I have definitely learned from my mistake.

Other than that I love concerts. I don't think I will be attending many more though. I have been to my fair share. I always leave with many interesting and fun filled memories!

1 comment:

This Idaho Girl said...

You are such a party girl! I just made my blog private, so send me your email so I can add you: chriswesterberg@hotmail.com