Friday, May 2, 2008

Worn Out

Last night I went to a concert in Salt Lake and really enjoyed it. I went to see two great bands. I was highly disappointed in one of the bands though. There were 5 bands that played. Also, there was one band that scared me terribly. They were dressed strangely and played rotten music. I was thrilled when they were done playing. The concert ended about 10:30 and then we had the long drive back to Logan. I returned back home very late last night. I ended up going to bed at 3 am and had to wake up before 8 to get ready for my first day nannying.

I nannied all day long. I started at 9 am and left at 5 pm. The only bad thing is I am too nice sometimes and couldn't say no to another lady I babysit for. She wanted me to watch her little boy from 7 to 10. I got home from my nanny job, ate, laid down for about an hour and off I went to babysit again. So now, here I sit at their house waiting for their arrival. I'm hoping they show up soon because I am definitely worn out. The little boy is sleeping which leaves me with not much to do. I already cleaned the kitchen and I've been on the computer long enough. 12 hours of entertaining children can be very tiring. I am already learning a lot that will be very useful to me when I have my own family.

Well I will stop going off. I'm excited to sleep in tomorrow!!!


Jill said...

Wake up Jenna! Wake up! I made bagels! Come and get 'em!

Brian & Meg Wilson said...

I am so happy you found that job.. it sounds like you are keeping yourself plenty busy! I am planning on coming to Logan for at least 2 weeks this summer!