Friday, August 8, 2008


Well, yesterday I finally got my hair done. It looks so much better. I don't look like I'm wearing a witch wig anymore. HAPPY DAY! I don't have a picture to post yet but I will soon. 

James will be coming home in 19 days and I am so excited. He gets home the day I start student teaching. I can't believe its almost been 2 years since I have seen him. CRAZY!!!

I only have 10 more days working as a nanny. Its going to be so sad leaving the kids because I have grown so attached to them. I have loved being a nanny. It is so rewarding although it can be very difficult at times. 

I am in the process of cleaning my room at home. My bedroom is a disaster. I moved out of my apartment at the beginning of this week. I have been so busy that I haven't had much of a chance to clean. I never knew how much stuff I really had until I moved it all home. Its going to take a lot of work to get everything organized again. I have been sleeping on the couch this last week and am excited to sleep in my bed again. 

I finally finished my online class. It is such a relief to be done taking classes. All that is left is student teaching. I thought I was going to fail my class but surprisingly I pulled off a B-. Wahoo! I never thought I would be so happy to get a B-.

I can't believe the summer is almost over. It has definitely been a great one. It has been full of adventure and fun and I will be sad to see it end. 


This Idaho Girl said...

Seriously. You can't post about the major hair change and not show a picture. You should've done it gray so everyone at school will think you're older than 18. Remember that I have hoardes of history teaching surplus and would love to share.

Michele said...

I can't believe that James is almost home, you are back at home and ready to start student teaching. You will be such an awesome teacher, Jenna. Thanks for being such wonderful niece/cousin. We all adore you at my house.

Love, Aunt Michele

Brian & Meg Wilson said...

I can't believe it has been two years either! But I am SO excited for you & James! You will have to let me know how your student teaching goes, I can't believe you ARE GOING TO GRADUATE BEFORE ME! Sad... but true! Not very fair, but that is what I get for moving away from Logan! Anyhow.. I miss you and I would love to see your new and improved hair-do! I will be driving up to Logan 2 times a week this fall for classes.. in attempts to graduate sooner... who knows if that will even work! Anyhow.. hopefully that will mean we will get to see each other more often.. call me sometime we NEED to catch up before James gets home and I get lost in the whirlwind... sorry this is such a long message... it just goes to show how much i love you...


Annie said...


Abs said...


K'Lyn said...

Yes, picture please!! So fun to hear all of the things you are doing. I have been counting months for you. Let us know how student teaching is.

Tanya said...

Hey, hows it going? I'd love to hear how things are going for you. james?