Saturday, June 13, 2009

Birthday and such!

This year I had a great birthday. Thanks for all the gifts and birthday wishes. I have many wonderful family and friends.

My mom, sister in law, cousin Marybeth, and I signed up to take a sewing class. I attended last week and learned a lot. I made some cute coasters and feel I actually know how to run a sewing machine now. The class goes for two more weeks. Hopefully with all I learn I will be able to make many great creations.

James and I decided to buy a tent for our birthdays. We ventured out camping yesterday. The spot we went to was perfect. We had a fabulous time. It rained for quite sometime, but luckily our tent was completely waterproof so we stayed dry. We are excited to experience many more camping trips this summer.


Unknown said...

You forgot that Marybeth was also taking the class? How could you forget her? She's already made a quilt.

This Idaho Girl said...

I need to see the picture of your coaster as evidence. I envy all the family time you guys get. Glad you had a swell birthday.

Halsey said...

Camping is so much fun! We hope to do some more of that this summer too. If we're ever in Preston we'll have to go together!

The Rawlings said...

Jenna! I'm sorry I never called you on your birthday.. I feel so bad I hope you know how much I love and miss you. That is such a fun idea to buy a tent. We should go camping when we get back up at willow flats.Love you girl