Saturday, June 13, 2009

Birthday and such!

This year I had a great birthday. Thanks for all the gifts and birthday wishes. I have many wonderful family and friends.

My mom, sister in law, cousin Marybeth, and I signed up to take a sewing class. I attended last week and learned a lot. I made some cute coasters and feel I actually know how to run a sewing machine now. The class goes for two more weeks. Hopefully with all I learn I will be able to make many great creations.

James and I decided to buy a tent for our birthdays. We ventured out camping yesterday. The spot we went to was perfect. We had a fabulous time. It rained for quite sometime, but luckily our tent was completely waterproof so we stayed dry. We are excited to experience many more camping trips this summer.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Good News!!!

James and I went on a vacation to Florida at the beginning of May. While we were there I got a call from the elementary school in Preston. I had applied for a teaching job and they were calling to set up an interview. They wanted me to interview on a Thursday, but we weren't going to be home until Saturday. Luckily, they were able to schedule me in on the following Monday. That interview was great. I had another interview two days later where I found out I will be teaching in Preston. I wasn't sure what grade, but just knew I had a job. I am going to be teaching 2nd grade. I am thrilled and nervous at the same time. I'm not quite sure what to expect other than I will be busy with correcting papers and planning. I signed my contract today. I am excited to get my classroom ready this summer. I'll post pictures when it is ready.

I'll post about our vacation to Florida sometime soon.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We welcome the newest member of the Hess family, KENDAL!!!

This past weekend James, Bracken, and I ventured to Washington for Ben and Kendal's wedding. We left early Friday morning and drove for a very long 12 hours. We returned home Sunday at 11 P.M. For the majority of the weekend we spent driving from place to place. Overall I think we spent over 31 hours in the car in three days.

The happy couple

We had a lot of fun and it was well worth the drive. Seattle is
a beautiful place. Although the drive was long, I have to admit it didn't seem to bad because of the amazing scenery once we got out of Idaho. Oregon and Washington were so green and luscious.

We ate delicious food, went to a wonderful wedding ceremony, saw the Space Needle, and drove, drove, and drove some more.

We found a neat place amongst the trees.

We were all a little disappointed when we arrived at the Space Needle. It was about 10 P.M. by the time we parked. We were hoping to go up and see the wonderful view, but unfortunately we couldn't. I don't know if it was because it was going to close in 15 minutes or if we had to have reservations. We did however get pictures.

At the Space Needle

My nephew Jack and I. Notice the beautiful Seattle Temple grounds.

The amazing scenery. There is a weird glare, oops.

Monday, March 30, 2009

New Schedule

I am very happy to say my schedule is much more exciting these days. I work five times a week now. :) I no longer get to watch the Price is Right most mornings. I'm ok with it though because I actually get a lot accomplished instead of wasting my time sleeping and watching tv.

I now work out at the Boys Ranch my dad partially owns. I am currently one of the teachers of the ten boys between the ages of 12-17. I started two weeks ago.

Last week the other teacher went on vacation which left me to teach all the boys. That was very interesting. I knew a lot about their personalities but not a whole lot about their academic levels. I am slowly getting a hang of how to manage each boy. This is not an easy task for those of you who might know how these boys act. They are at the ranch because they are low functioning and in custody of the state. Although it is hard work, I find it extremely rewarding.

I'm not going to lie. The third day I was there I about had a break down. This experience is much different than teaching in a public school. I am learning a whole lot each day. My patience is tried everyday which isn't always the easiest to deal with. (Christina you know just what I'm talking about).

This is where James has worked since December. I get to see him much more now because I am at the ranch with him. When I get done teaching for the day I usually stay for a few extra hours just to be with James and help out. It's quite enjoyable!!!

Life is great and full of many adventures!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Typical Day!

Here is what happens most days at the Hess home.
James wakes up and gets ready for school.
I wake up to take James to school.
I come home and turn on the Price is Right.
Then I either fall back asleep or take a shower and clean the house.
Most days I choose to fall back asleep.
Wake up just in time to shower and leave to pick up James from school.
We make lunch then James leaves for work.
I either ride with him to visit my family or stay at the house and clean, relax, and relax some more.
When I ride with him I stay and hangout with my family all night.
James picks me up around 10:30 and we drive home.
When we arrive home, James decides to get his homework done because he has had no other time to do it.
We then go to bed.

On rare occasions I sub at the Elementary school. When that happens the schedule changes quite a bit.

Now you know how exciting my life is right now. Very laid back and wonderful!!! I can't complain at all. For once in my life I don't ever have HOMEWORK and it is the best feeling. Poor James has homework everyday though. Been there, done that.

Time to get back to the routine for the day!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day and it has been great. Yesterday, however was when we celebrated. We decided not to give each other gifts but instead make dinner, cookies, and spend quality time together. We had a blast. I subbed in a third grade class yesterday. The kids were out of control which was expected. It was fun but very stressful. When I came home from school James had a rose sitting on the bed with a note. He got me something even when we agreed we were going to go without presents. He is always so thoughtful. I'm grateful I was able to spend Valentine's Day with him this year. I love him so much!!! He is amazing. I hope everyone had a wonderful day today. 

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wedding Pictures

Here are a few wedding pictures. Our wedding was wonderful. Thanks to all of you who helped and came. :)

The wedding book. My sister-in-law made it and did a fabulous job.
Mark (One of James' mission companions), James, and Sam (James friend from high school)
The table decorations. 
Mollie, Allison, Me, and Tiffany (cousin)
Mollie took all of our pictures and did such a wonderful job. 
The cake was delicious. James step sister made it for us. We are so lucky to have talented friends and family who were willing to help out. 
James family. (There were a few step brothers missing)
My family.
All the people that stayed for pictures. 
Sean, Tess, Me, and Jonny (siblings)
Coming out of the Logan temple. 
We got married in October and were grateful it waited to snow until after the pictures were taken. We have been married for a little over three months. It has been a blast!!! I love being married.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


James and I recently purchased a macbook. We are so excited to finally have one. James gets to enjoy it the most because he has homework everyday. My computer is so slow and he deserves to use the nice computer. We got a refund from USU and used that money to buy the new computer. Tess and I have already made up a song on garage band. The mac is great!!!

I subbed today for a fifth grade class. I was sad when I walked them to rotation and realized they are all pretty much as tall or taller than me. I knew I was short but now it is really confirmed. Being short hasn't been all that bad. The worst part would be having to use a chair or kneel on the counter to reach for items placed in the high cupboards. I have learned to deal with it though and am grateful I'm at least 5'4".

I now need to retire to bed. I will post pictures when I am using the mac!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Officially Bad at Blogging

I have decided I am the worst blogger. I thought it would be so fun to keep everyone updated. Well, the problem is I never find time to do it. Of course, now that I am graduated I have plenty of time. I just use my time for other activities.

An update:
I did my student teaching in Preston last semseter. I loved it. I planned a wedding in my first block which I thought would be more stressful then it was. I had amazing cooperating teachers who helped me immensly. I learned a great deal from both of them. I did my first block in a third grade class. They were very talkative but enjoyable. The fourth grade class I was in for the second block were hilarious. They constantly brought me gifts which brightened my days. Both classes had their moments of cauos. Overall, it was a wonderful experience. The best part was knowing something new was going to happen each day.

I got married on October 11 in Logan. I decided not to have a reception which was the best decision I could have made. My wedding was perfect. James and I love being married. James is now working at Academy Ranches and is attending USU. We love our apartment and ward.

Here are a few of our Bridals and Groomals taken a few weeks before our wedding. The actual wedding pictures will be another day.

As many of you know I graduated in Elementary Education in December. I have been subbing and interviewing for jobs. After my first interview, I got offered a job. I accepted it and will be starting around April or May teaching 4th grade at the West Side Elementary School. I will continue teaching 4th grade for the next contract year which will start in August. I am so excited to have my own classroom.

James and I have only been to our ward in Logan around 6 times. I already have a calling and am enjoying for the most part. I am the Relief Society Chorister. I didn't think it would be too bad. I found out yesterday all the responsibilities I have and I was surprised at the many tasks I am required to do. Hopefully it will get better each week.

Until next time, which could be in four months. I will try to be better at updating and keeping everyone posted on life happenings.