Friday, August 8, 2008


Well, yesterday I finally got my hair done. It looks so much better. I don't look like I'm wearing a witch wig anymore. HAPPY DAY! I don't have a picture to post yet but I will soon. 

James will be coming home in 19 days and I am so excited. He gets home the day I start student teaching. I can't believe its almost been 2 years since I have seen him. CRAZY!!!

I only have 10 more days working as a nanny. Its going to be so sad leaving the kids because I have grown so attached to them. I have loved being a nanny. It is so rewarding although it can be very difficult at times. 

I am in the process of cleaning my room at home. My bedroom is a disaster. I moved out of my apartment at the beginning of this week. I have been so busy that I haven't had much of a chance to clean. I never knew how much stuff I really had until I moved it all home. Its going to take a lot of work to get everything organized again. I have been sleeping on the couch this last week and am excited to sleep in my bed again. 

I finally finished my online class. It is such a relief to be done taking classes. All that is left is student teaching. I thought I was going to fail my class but surprisingly I pulled off a B-. Wahoo! I never thought I would be so happy to get a B-.

I can't believe the summer is almost over. It has definitely been a great one. It has been full of adventure and fun and I will be sad to see it end.